145048 192 Township N, Rural Newell, County Of, Alberta T0J 0Z0 (27685362)


145048 192 Township N County Of, Alberta T0J 0Z0



Click brochure link for more details. 7.49 Acres of land in Newell County, west of Brooks town centre. 3 Phase power lines are nearby. LINC 0027395541, Title number 231308314. Preliminary plans for development opportunity can be shared with successful buyer. (id:42619)

Property Details

MLS® Number A2180649
Property Type Vacant Land
Plan 9810587


Age Age Is Unknown


Acreage Yes
FenceType Not Fenced
SizeIrregular 7.49
SizeTotal 7.49 Ac|5 - 9.99 Acres
SizeTotalText 7.49 Ac|5 - 9.99 Acres
ZoningDescription Tbd


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